I'm Jeff Cooper, the station's Editor - so if something's wrong, it's probably my fault! In the 1980s, I started-up and ran LBC Music Radio, an Italian 'border blaster' station overlooking the Swiss city of Lugano (pictured at the top of the page). Later, I created the radio shows 'XS' and '2XS', and then launched this station back in 2002, with the help of several other experienced broadcasters and committed music fans. I've been involved in promoting New Music and non-mainstream albums for decades on many radio stations - I may well be commercial radio's longest-running continuous broadcaster of New Music in the country. At 2XS, we all believe in the music we play, which we reckon is a better reflection of the past 70 Years Of Rock & Roll than you will hear elsewhere.

With a long history and respected pedigree in both radio and live audio, Guy looks after the station's audio quality. He also equipped our 'Barn Studio' in which we recorded dozens of bands before we closed it as a result of the 'pandemic' (yes, we fell for the lies and hype, too). We'd like to revive the renowned 'Barn Sessions' at some point in the future: over to you, Guy! Read more about what he does at MLS Audio.
It's Collette's gorgeous voice that guides you through the music on 2XS. She also helps to audition the new music we play with her healthily critical ear! She's also pretty good at choosing wine and beer...
With a meticulous eye for detail, it's John who proof-reads and corrects our (many) errors in the music information which we show with each song we play. If he's missed something, shout!